'My name\'s Dazza, and today i\'m deep frying a cheese and ham toastie and a muffin in a Starbucks batter mix. But what a wanna know, is Does it Fry? Follow me on Facebook - http://bit.ly/DazzaFacebook Follow me on Instagram - http://bit.ly/DazzaInsta Buy the NEW merch - http://bit.ly/dazza-merch What do you want to see get fried? How\'s about you let me know down in the comments below.'
Tags: muffin , Scotland , starbucks , glasgow , scottish , starbucks secret menu , starbucks drinks , Starbucks Coffee , Does It Fry , Dazza , muffin song , yerboidazza , omar and dazza , cheese and ham toastie , cheese and ham sandwich , cheese and ham , battered food
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